My company has a monthly news letter, each month having a different theme.
The theme of the news letter is "Service promises" where we discuss and think what is and what should be the service promise we give to our customers. This got me thinking, what is my service promise as a tester, and then spent an hour creating them. Here's the list
Tester's service promises
● I
promise to test
● I
promise to tell if something threatens my ability to test, including my own
lack of knowledge
● I
promise to try to find out my testing purpose, i.e. why I am testing
● I
promise to try to decide what and how I test to fit the purpose of my testing
● I
promise to report everything that to me look like things that could threaten
the value of the system (to someone that matters)
● I
promise not to find all the bugs in the system I am testing, nor to give out
information that would for someone look like I have
● I
promise not to test everything in the system, nor to give out information that
would for someone look like I have
● I
promise to do my best to understand the context, the business and the risks
associated with them, in order to do better testing
● I
promise not to become a gatekeeper or a sentinel of quality. My job is to
provide information in order to assess and analyze the quality, not to demand a
certain level of it.
● I
promise not to label myself as a quality assurer. My job is to provide
information in order to assess and analyze the quality, so that other people
can assure it.
● I
promise to make mistakes, admit the mistakes, and learn from them.
● If
given trust, I promise to make more mistakes.
● I
promise to not to try to look good in the expense of other people, including but
not limited to analysts, coders, other testers, end users, and project managers
● I
promise not to keep all these promises. But I promise to try.
● I
promise not to do things just because I am told to do so.
● I
promise to try to fight the apathy, cynicism, and fear that sometimes tries to
take control of my work. As fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate
leads to suffering.
O yea. I also promise to rethink, remove, and add some of these promises.
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