Uncalled because we all already know this right? As great people such as Cem Kaner already told us about it a long time ago http://kaner.com/pdfs/PracticalApproachToSoftwareMetrics.pdf Uncalled as I haven't used these in years. Written because I was just asked by management to report product fault statistics. Using any sort of defect/bug/fault count related metrics in sw development is harmful. Bug counts fall apart already as they are trying to quantify something that is inherently qualitative. Additionally they make people focus on reporting problems rather than solving them. And really bug counts tell nothing about the product that involved people wouldn't already know. The only thing good in bug statistics on sw development is that it gives test managers a very easy way to provide meaningful and professional looking but totally hollow metrics. And that is not good. Using any sort of test case count related metric in sw development is harmful. ...
Random thoughts and stories from a (the?) Hell of a Tester