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Showing posts from June, 2014

Testing playbook #1

So it's summer time again, and my year long spell as a scrum master is starting to be over. So starting August I'll be a full time tester again! (Or, as much as you can be a full time tester when working in a scrum team..) I'll likely write up some experiences on being a scrum master later (summary: hard, abstract, frustrating, fun), but thought now to start writing up on testing again. I'll start by sharing some of the tactics I often deploy when approaching testing situations. So this should become a series, until I get bored on it. So I'll start with my classic, my "master" tactic that often acts as a framework to other more subtle testing tactics. This is a rather common way for me to approach situations more on the exploratory and less on the confirmatory side, and/or situations where the thing (it may not always be the system) under test is not yet that common to me. It's rather simple: 1. Take a tour 2. Decide the target 3. Go with the h...